Search by Image to Find Pictures Online


If you are unfamiliar with the concept of finding images online mantra, then you are surely in the right place because today, we will tell you about the right way of searching the exact images that you want online. You should know that apart from searching through keywords, there are many other ways that you can use to search for images simply!

You must have tried searching for an image that you liked when you saw it, but you didn’t have the right keywords to describe it, this happens every now and then in our life especially when we see a movie or a trailer or if we liked the picture of a celebrity you didn’t know about and wanted to dig more details about him/her then the best way to dig the details is with the best search by image tool! So today we will tell you all about the tools which you can use to search images with images instead of keywords.

The Image Search Tool By Small SEO Tools!

If you want to get the most reliable services for reverse photos, then you should probably start using the reverse similar image search tool by small SEO tools. We would like you to know that the reverse image search tool by a small SEO tool is the best tool that can help you out in searching the complete details with the help of just uploading the image that you saw. You can upload screenshots and camera photos in the tool too if not the downloaded images in your gallery.

Now you should know that the image search tool will surely help you out in getting the details of the image such as similar images to the original one, the details about the owner of the image, the copyrights of the image and the details about the shape, size, and quality of the image plus it can also tell you about where the image is being used and how you can help yourself in getting the text in the image. The search image tools by the small SEO tools are most reliable because of the fact that it does not save your images in its database.

This is the core reason why we recommend you guys to simply use the tools instead of the search engine to search for images. The search engine can simply save your images in their database without your permission. So you should use this tool instead to secure your search and to get the best results. We would like you to know that if you use a search engine, then you will get limited results related to the search engine only but if you use the tools then you will get the results from different search engines!

The Reverse Image Search Tools by the Search Engine Reports!

We will like you guys to know that if you are looking for simple and free tools, then this is the platform for you! You can simply get the details of the image you upload quite easily. You just have to simply upload the image in the search bar and get the details about the ownership, the rights to copy and the materialistic details of the image.

The image search tool by search engine reports can simply help you to search for images with the help of the image URL that you can find on the internet. In this way you don’t even have to download the image from the internet rather you can simply cut the URL of the image and then paste it into the search bar from where you can simply press hit and get the details of the image!

Now with this tool, you get another important feature. This feature of the tool helps you know about the utilization of your image on other websites. In this way, you can simply get to know about the image plagiarism and can even sure the user who is using your images on his or her website without your permission! You should know that this is one of the most efficient ways of checking your image for plagiarism and you can also use this tool when you want to use an image that does not belong to you!

So now you know about the top two platforms which can help you search images with the help of the image search tools. We would like you to use them to search for images and to get all the desired details about a certain image. If you want to know the details about a person and his social media profile, then you can simply use these tools to dig in dirt on him! So don’t wait and start searching for your favorite images with these tools!

Intelligent conversions: Understanding the Impact of AI in Digital Marketing

AI in digital marketing

Did you know that 40% of the marketing and sales teams believe that artificial intelligence(AI) and machine learning(ML) will contribute significantly to their department’s success? Does this mean AI digital transformation will revolutionize the marketing world?

Artificial intelligence has already made its way in every major industry, ranging from automobiles to technology. It is already dominating the customer service segment through chatbots. But how is it affecting the digital marketing services world? Will AI transform online marketing as we see it today?

Today, a significant portion of digital marketing revolves around data. Whether it is social media marketing or inbound lead generation, better data insights imply better sales. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning help to make sense of this data.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning support the creation of micro-moments in digital marketing that enable personalizing the customer experience and understanding market requirements in real-time.

Customer analysis is a massive factor in personalizing experience. Netflix and Amazon heavily utilize AI to understand preferences and provide relevant suggestions to customers. AI-based tools enable a comprehensive study of the audience and help in determining what type of content to create.

Digital marketers are working hard to reap the potential of AI. They are trying to leverage AI for campaign management, budget, strategy execution, and ROI estimation. These are significant factors in determining the success of any activity. By delegating these activities to AI systems, marketers can find more time for productive decision-making and creating a better digital marketing strategy.

The influence of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

IBM’s Watson is one marketing automation tool that has helped marketers work at a centralized platform with all their customer data.

While automation and AI are two different aspects of technology, they can work wonders for marketers when combined together.

Online digital marketers are still studying the influence of AI on digital marketing, but its role in digital success is growing with each day.

Let’s have a look at some aspects of digital marketing where AI and ML are playing a massive role to augment enterprise profitability and growth.

Data Collection and Analysis

AI helps digital marketers to collect audience data and create campaigns that target specific touchpoints. AI systems, with the help of Big Data and CRM, bring this data to a centralized platform and present patterns that have worked previously for the target audience.

Website Creation

A prime example of AI-based website creation is the Wix’s ADI. Digital marketers often need a dedicated website or landing page for specific campaigns. The Wix ADI creates a fully-functional website based on a few questions. It learns the requirements and works with a template that suitably matches it.

Strategic Advertising

Planning the advertising budget is a principal challenge for digital marketers. AI predicts customer behavior based on the data collected. The insights from this data are then used to create better ads that match the user’s preference. Combined with A/B testing and market research, marketers can almost accurately determine their online ads budget with the best ROI option.

Accurate Evaluation

With the help of AI-based tools, digital marketers can now eliminate the guesswork from their campaign analysis. While earlier, they had to create the next strategy based on the closest pattern - now, AI can provide accurate insights into the performance of a campaign.

Today, there are more customer touchpoints to target than ever. On average, it takes targeting 5 to 7 touch points before a customer is converted.  AI and ML enable making data-based decisions to actively target these touchpoints and prepare a strategy that influences the customer at every stage of their journey.

How To Use Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

There are a myriad of AI and ML use cases in digital marketing. Most of them are directed towards improving the customer experience, predicting the target audience’s behavior, and generating real-time insights. It is helping businesses succeed in the digital world in areas where human personnel is not particularly efficient.

Marketers working in $500M to $1B companies are the dominant adopters of AI, particularly conversational AI systems for customer service.

However, AI and ML systems can only work in digital marketing when combined with human efforts and creative ideas.

Here are a few ways in which digital marketers can leverage these technologies to generate maximum revenue for enterprises:- 

Content Creation

When it comes to inbound lead generation, content is still the king. However, producing more content doesn’t work anymore. Google’s algorithm and the customer’s mind - both are hungry for relevant content that makes sense to their requirements.

With AI-based tools, content marketers can easily identify their best performing content. They can get insights on what is working for their customers and create more content around that. There are AI and ML tools that help to plan content and suggest which channels work best for different audiences. Companies are also using AI to generate content for specific touchpoints in their customer journey. (Tool: Concured)

Grammar is an important aspect that determines the quality of your content. AI tools like Grammarly help to frame content with proper grammar and eliminate any spelling errors. It also helps in proper sentence framing to help eliminate the “sales-y-ness” from the content.

Customer Behaviour Prediction

Today, digital marketers know that targeting everyone in your niche is a waste of resources, time, and effort. But how do they tackle this problem? AI systems enable them to identify prospects that are most likely to respond to their offer.

AdWords professionals require better analysis to identify prospects that can be converted from expensive advertising on Google. By determining the campaign objectives and analyzing previous data, AI can provide an effective strategy for AdWords.

AI and ML models used to identify customer behavior help in identifying patterns and creating digital marketing strategies according to them. These models are based on the goals you want to achieve from your marketing activity, including website traffic, specific action, or generating leads. Through predicting customer behavior, AI enables digital marketers to use fewer resources and target the right prospects at the right place and at the right time.

Customer Experience Enhancement

Customer trust is solely based on the experience they get from a brand. AI and ML can help personalize the content for users based on their history, location, and preferences. It leads to the impression that the brand is taking care of their specific needs and enhances their experience.

Retailers like Amazon, Warby Parker, and several others allow customers to take a free “try-on” of a product. It is a result of combining AR and VR with AI. The result is an increase in sales and customer loyalty as they can now understand whether they want to purchase a product or not.

Ask any digital marketing agency and they will say that improving the customer’s online experience is their first priority. A significant driver in this could be voice-enabled AI searches to give the user a better experience of a brand’s website. It will amplify the user’s visit on the website and provide an augmented version of the brand using voice-based algorithms. 

Online Advertising

Digital Marketing AI will certainly benefit marketers to target audiences better with online advertising. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have already incorporated AI and ML to understand the audience that any brand is going to advertise to.

Artificial intelligence tools help to augment online advertising by showing marketers what’s important to their target audience. They help to develop a comprehensive understanding of how ads need to be created and what people they should target for maximum conversion.

Advertising online isn’t for everyone these days. But combined with the right AI tools, it can increase the ROI twofold. How? By helping marketers plan an advertising budget based on proper analysis of their customer’s data and developing campaigns specific to their target audience’s requirements. With AI, rapid decision-making during a campaign is possible to avoid underutilization of money spent on ads.

Real-time Tracking and Insights

Measuring digital marketing efforts is crucial to understanding what worked and what went wrong. This is important because customer acquisition costs are much higher than customer retention costs. Tracking each campaign using AI will provide better insights into which customer segment marketers should target.

Through AI and ML, digital marketers can track their audience’s behavior and communicate better with them. They can analyze customer conversations in real-time and identify why people are talking about them (There are tools to track customer conversations on Twitter, Facebook, etc.). This helps to target customers better using the activities that work for each audience.

AI tools also provide insights by comparing past customers and new customers. This data is invaluable as marketers can learn how they can retain new customers. It also equips them with the capability to target their past customers better and improve their experience. AI provides relevant information on what each customer wants and how they should be targeted.

The AI Digital Marketing Transformation is Here

Whether marketers believe it or stay skeptical,  the future of AI in digital marketing is brighter than ever. As RPA continues to work its miracles, combined with AI and ML, digital marketers will drive quickly towards intelligent marketing.

We are looking at a digital marketing world where marketers will be monitoring the activities executed by AI digital marketing tools and come up with better and creative ideas to serve their customers.

Artificial Intelligence will not only save money and time but most importantly, assist humans to target customers in an intelligent manner. Using data and analytics, AI will revolutionize how digital campaigns are executed and measured. 

Many marketers, however, also hope that AI will integrate sales and marketing for creating a centralized environment where customers experience intelligence marketing from the stage of prospecting to after-sale services.

About: Harsh Sahu

Harsh Sahu works as a Content Strategist at BoTree Digital and has been a Content Marketing Professional for nearly 4 years now. He is all about innovations and how to capitalize on the latest trends in content marketing.

Ranking Higher: 5 Effective Ways to Find and Implement Niche Keywords


Unlike many business leaders, SEO experts understand the importance of proper keyword research and implementation for the success of your content, PPC, and digital strategies in general. No matter if you’re launching a new business venture, or if you’re running a well-established operation and are trying to develop your competitive advantage, it’s imperative to rank for those terms that are relevant to your industry, business, and niche in order to elevate your brand’s visibility and reputation.

That said, successful SEO is not just about ranking for those general industry-wide keywords that everyone is searching for, instead, it’s about discovering those niche longtail keywords that will attract the right customers, put you on the first page of Google, and incentivize people to venture onto your site. With that in mind, here are the five effective ways to find and implement niche keywords into your digital presence.

Brainstorm topics related to your industry

Of course, there’s always the easy way, and then there’s the right way to do keyword research. You could simply pop a few general phrases into the Google Keyword Planner and act on the results it dishes out, but just keep in mind that your competitors will probably get the same results, the same suggestions, and therefore make similar if not identical decisions to yours. That’s no way to rank high for niche keywords or to get ahead in the competitive industry.

This is why you need to get creative (rather, your digital agency needs to get creative), and brainstorm alternative ways to get a hold of niche keywords. The goal of your marketing team should be to identify the smaller niches that are relevant to your business and your industry.

These sub-segments will yield interesting and unique topics that have their unique, niche keywords. It’s important that you put yourself in the minds of your customers, and think about the niche phrases they might be typing into the search engine. You can then plug those niche keywords into your keyword tool and see how they stack up.


Integrate a keyword research tool

If you’re not using a keyword research tool, then you’re just playing the guessing game, and chances are that your guesses are wrong. This will invariably lead to subpar performance and will fail to rank you higher in the relevant search engines, so you shouldn’t leave such an important element of your digital presence to chance. Now, there are many popular keyword tools out there, and many of them are free to use, however, you need to choose the best one for your needs.

Most keyword tools will display a basic list of relevant search terms, one that’s not broad enough to provide you with all of the phrases you could use in your copy. No, you need a whole host of niche keywords that you weren’t able to come up with on your own, so be sure to test out several tools to see how they compare, and choose the one that delivers the biggest number of keywords while preserving keywords quality.

Use niche keywords in your content strategy

Once you have managed to discover some intricate longtail keywords, it’s time to integrate them into your content strategy. This doesn’t just mean that these keywords should find their way into your blogs and articles, it means that you should integrate them into your entire digital presence, including your site’s headings and meta tags, PPC campaigns, landing pages, and more.

It’s important that this content is created by people who are knowledgeable about your niche and business, to make it as natural and appealing as possible. For example, law firm SEO content should be written by real lawyers in order to make the content as credible and authoritative as possible, and optimized by law SEO strategists to maximize the site’s ranking within its niche. Keep this important tip in mind when optimizing the content for your own business with niche keywords by having experts from your niche guide it to fruition.

Prioritize keywords according to your needs

When you’re optimizing your content, it’s important to prioritize your niche keywords. You can try to integrate every single keyword you found into the copy of every page on your website, but chances are that you will get penalized for keyword stuffing, and you might even get penalized for trying to rank pages that aren’t relevant to the keyword. That’s why you have to prioritize and know where to put your keywords.

Start by grouping keywords according to the types of services or products you offer. You should put niche keywords on the pages that are relevant to the phrase – such as “windshield repair “on the “auto glass repair” page instead of the homepage or the “about us” page. Bottom line, be sure to sprinkle niche keywords throughout your site wherever it feels natural, but make sure it’s relevant to the page.

Consider running an SEO audit

And finally, keep in mind that keywords, especially longtail ones, are constantly evolving with the online trends. This is why they require continuous monitoring and optimization. SEO is a long-term investment and a long-term commitment, so it’s important that you perform regular SEO audits and track the performance of these keywords on your site and assess whether or not they are helping you reach your goals. If not, it’s important that you act instead of hoping that things will change on their own, because you don’t want to lose precious time on the keywords that aren’t converting. Simply repeat the research process, and integrate new keywords into your content and site.

Wrapping up

While it is important to integrate those general industry terms everyone is searching for into your digital presence, finding and integrating niche keywords becomes even more important if you’re trying to surpass your competition and develop a strong competitive advantage. With these tips in mind, you can discover those keyword opportunities that your competitors haven’t found yet, and integrate them into your content with professional optimization to build brand awareness and reputation, boost organic traffic, and incentivize conversions.

A 5-step Guide to Improve Your Site’s Technical SEO


Technical SEO is responsible for optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. With technical SEO help, search engines will have no trouble accessing, crawling, interpreting, and indexing your website. In fact, technical SEO is a vital segment of search engine optimizing. If something goes wroth with t, the whole content optimization will fail to generate the expected results.

Understanding how technical SEO works and improving it is important for anyone involved in digital marketing.  Performing a technical SEO audit of your website will detect all the problems and fix them in a way that they won’t reoccur. Before all, improving your site’s technical SEO is a process that takes several steps to complete.

Checking the sitemap and indexing

After you get a better understanding of what technical SEO is, you need to review your website’s infrastructure, so to say. If you still haven’t created a sitemap, now is high time to do so. It is responsible for informing the search engine of your website’s content structure, allowing it to discover fresh content.

In general, the sitemap should be clean in the sense that it shouldn’t contain errors or blocked URLs. It should be updated in its entirety every time content is added or removed from the website so search engines would be able to discover novel content fast. Finally, the sitemap should be registered in Google Search Console. This can be done either manually or by specifying its location in the “robots.txt file.”

Once your website’s sitemap is fully functional, it is time to turn to individual pages indexed by search engines. This figure determines the strength of the domain and in ideal circumstances; it should be close to the total number of pages on the site. If the gap is bigger gap than expected, you'll need to go through your disallowed pages.

Crawlable resources

Powerful as it might seem, the “robots.txt” file is just one way to restrict pages from indexing. For instance, JavaScript and CSS files are critical to a webpage’s rendering and they need to be tuned as well. For this reason, you’ll need an SEO crawler used by digital marketing agencies like GWM to run a comprehensive crawlability check.

By using an SEO crawler, you’ll be able to find which pages and resources are restricted from indexing. Once the full list of blocked pages and resources, you’ll be able to fix the ones that aren’t intended to be blocked.

Finally, you should check for orphan pages. These are the pages that exist on your site but feature no internal links. Search engines seldom discover them and even then, they’re likely to crawl them quite infrequently. To check your website for the presence of any orphan pages, you need to rebuild your WebSite Auditor project. After the rebuild, you’ll have no problem listing all the orphan pages.

Restricting indexation and adding URL parameters

Going back to the topic of indexation, there are going to be pages that have zero SEO value. Such pages should have indexation restricted to save on the crawl budget. Usually, these are the pages that you wouldn’t expect to appear in the search results.

If someone types in “hand cream” then they are interested in purchasing this product, not reading about the terms and conditions posted by the manufacturer. The same goes for expired promotions and privacy policies which are both of little or no interest to a visitor. That’s the reason why such pages should be excluded from search results.


Speaking of search results on Google, we have already mentioned the Google Search Console. There is a high probability that Google will crawl the same page with different URL parameters separately. This would result in two pages being portrayed as one, which is not the goal of SEO. That’s why you should add URL parameters to the Search Console to let Google know that it’s the same page so crawling can be performed in a more efficient manner.

Auditing internal links

The more shallow and logical the structure of the website, the better will the user navigate it. A useful navigational tool is internal linking which should be audited from time to time in order to check click depth, broken links, and orphan pages.

A general rule of SEO states that the most important pages should not be more than 3 links away from the homepage of the website. Again, WebSite Auditor will help you determine your website’s click depth. Once you get an overview of all the URLs, determine which links are vital and move them up the chart, to the aforementioned 3 clicks away from the homepage.

Your crawl budget can be put to waste by broken links. More importantly, they trick visitors into eating up your pages’ link juice, i.e. ranking power. The infamous “404 Not found” error is what frustrates visitors the most, so make sure there are no broken links due to a wrong code or temporarily moved pages.

Improving pages’ speed

It is not just our society that seems to have sped up but Google as well. It has officially recognized that the loading speed of a page is a ranking signal. This means that your page needs to load in two seconds or less; otherwise, you’re going to start dropping from the rankings. Another aspect of speed is its impact on UX because pages that are slow to open receive higher bounce rates and their conversion rates aren’t particularly impressive. No wonder then that responsiveness is taking priority in the web design of e-commerce platforms.

Speed should be a top priority because the page’s ranking signal plays a role both for desktop and mobile search results. Checking if your pages are fast enough to pass Google's speed test, use the Content Analysis feature in the WebSite Auditor project. In the case of any pages failing the speed test, study the reason in detail and take the editing tool’s recommendations on how to increase the speed.

There are several techniques to improve your site’s technical SEO but this 5-step guide is more than enough to get you started with. The trick is to find reliable tools, programs, and marketing agencies that will help you facilitate the effort to improve the technical SEO of your website. As our knowledge and understanding of SEO increase every day, novel tactics for improving technical SEO are bound to surface so be sure to follow all the trends search engine optimization.

Strategies for Better Content Marketing In 2019

Content is hailed as an undisputed king of the online ream and for good reasons too. The leading brands of today use it as main ammo for marketing weaponry and small organizations are hung up on not lagging behind. What is the all this about? In a nutshell, content marketing costs considerably less than traditional marketing, it generates more leads, and gives a higher ROI.

Why You Should Do an Audit of Your Own Content

Andy Crestodina has been in the interactive marketing space on the internet for 18 years, during which time he’s helped thousands of people get better results online.

He’s infused his marketing know-how into a book called “Content Chemistry,” which contains some of the most useful marketing information Andy has picked up over the years.

Aside from the book, Andy spreads his knowledge through a national series of lectures and conferences.

Interview with E-Commerce Content Marketer and SEO Consultant Bill Widmer

“As far as the fusion of content and SEO, in my eyes, they’re basically one in the same. It’s nearly impossible these days to rank your website without great content on it, and the reason for the content is a lot easier to get backlinks, to then say, a product or category page.” Bill said.  

Stephan Spencer’s SEO Tip: Be Outcome Focused, Not Activity Focused


Remember when you were in school and your teacher was so exhausted that they gave you “busy work” to do? There wasn’t really that much point to the work, it didn’t yield any results.

Despite our best efforts, we can become guilty of doing this kind of “busy work” when it comes to working on search engine optimization.

Thankfully, Stephan Spencer – marketing guru extraordinaire – chatted with me about how to do SEO work that is outcome focused. In other words, follow his advice and your time spent on your SEO endeavors will actually yield results, like improving your rankings.

3 Ways to Make Sure You’re Focused on the Outcome, Not the Activity

Your goal when working on SEO should never be to do busy work. In other words, you want to focus on work that gives you results, or a great outcome. Here are three easy ways to make that happen.

1. Write Good, Thoughtful Content for SEO and for Humans

Stephan made a really good point about writing content. He said: “What you create for humans should be good for SEO, what you create for SEO should be good for humans.” Makes sense, doesn’t it?

And yet, a lot of us get too caught up in how many keywords we have in our piece and how many variations of that keyword we can add to it.

Stephan’s advice: Don’t worry so much about the number of keywords you use – worry about where and how you use them.

That means making sure your content is easy to read and full of helpful information. It also means that you need to let your readers know right away what your content is about.

For instance, Stephan pointed out that if you write a page about blue widgets, it will rank better if you talk about blue widgets in the first paragraph as opposed to waiting to mention them until the last paragraph. Making this mistake is like saying, “Oh, I forgot to tell you – this whole page was about blue widgets.”

2. Don’t Use a Keyword Just in Your Title Alone

Another keyword tip that Stephan had was related to the title of your page and keywords.

A lot of people are really concerned about the H1 title tag and using a focus keyword there. This could be useful, as long as you use your keyword thoughtfully throughout the rest of your blog.

Let’s go back to the blue widget example.

If you use the H1 tag for your title, add a keyword to it, but then don’t add that keyword anywhere else on the page, it doesn’t really look like the page is about the topic that you claimed in the title it would be.

Instead, it looks like you did a little bit of SEO and thought, “Oh, I want to work in an extra keyword in there. I hope I rank for it. I’ll drop it into the title tag where it gets the most weight.” But if there’s no mention of that word – or even a synonym of that word – on the page, you’re not likely to rank very high for that keyword.

So yes – the title is the most important place to put your main keyword, but you have to make sure you use that keyword again thoughtfully within the context of your page.

3. Link From Page to Page on Your Website – But Thoughtfully

On the Home page, you should link to your most important services, products, landing pages, and articles.

But you want to place those links strategically on your page.

A lot of website owners put links to other pages down at the bottom of their Homepage, listing “featured pages” or “featured blogs.”

People don’t have the patience to read everything you’ve written on the Home page. It’s not likely that they’ll end up scrolling down to the bottom to find out more about you and what you have to offer them.

Many websites make the mistake of having a home page where the visitors have to scroll and scroll until they finally get to some content near the footer of the page.

And then the content reads like this: “Welcome to our email marketing services company. We provide email marketing tools and email marketing consulting, and our email services are some of the best out there, and if you're looking to get email marketing best practices…” and it goes on.

Then, all of the keywords are hyperlinked to services pages.

This is not only uninteresting to read – people know that it’s been written with search engines in mind, not people.

Your visitors aren’t the only ones who won’t be impressed. Search engines have algorithms that check for this type of hyperlinking and keyword stuffing, and they penalize websites that do those things.

Your goal should be to make things as interesting and as easy as possible for your site visitors. Somewhere along the top of your page, have some sort of image that people can hover over with their mouse and click through to the services page.

While it’s important to change the images alt attributes for SEO purposes, a text link is even more important when it comes to search engine rankings.

A text link along with a useful image looks like your website is designed with humans in mind – not just search engines. For example, have your nice little image along with the text “Our Email Marketing Services.”

Focus On the Results-Based Low-Hanging Fruit Instead of Busy Work

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the idea of improving your SEO efforts. It seems like every day there’s new information about how to get better rankings, how to make more money from your website, how to attract more clients and customers.

All of that information can become really distracting, causing you to focus on busy work that you can cross off your To Do List but that leaves you with minimal results.

Focus instead on what Stephan calls the “low-hanging” fruit – like the tips above – and you’ll start seeing results without feeling overwhelmed.

Are you ready for more helpful tips from an internationally renowned marketing guru? Then, make sure to follow Stephan on Twitter and read his information-packed blogs regularly.  



Stephan is an internationally recognized SEO expert and bestselling author. He is the co-author of The Art of SEO, author of Google Power Search and co-author of Social eCommerce, all published by O’Reilly. The Art of SEO, now in its third edition and weighing in at nearly 1000 pages, is considered THE bible on search engine optimization, boasts testimonials from such industry giants as Seth Godin and Tony Hsieh, and is even used as a textbook at universities. 

Stephan founded Netconcepts in 1995 and grew it into a multi-national SEO agency before selling it in 2010 to paid and organic search software/services agency Covario, which was in turn acquired in 2014 by ad agency conglomerate Dentsu Aegis. Stephan invented a pay-for-performance SEO technology called GravityStream that was also acquired and is now part of Rio SEO.  After completing his earn-out in 2010, Stephan continued in the online marketing, ecommerce, and SEO space as a highly sought-after SEO and digital strategy consultant. His clients post-acquisition have included Zappos, Sony Store, Quiksilver, Best Buy Canada, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Chanel, to name a few.

Stephan has spoken at countless hundreds of Internet marketing events, including all the major search & e-commerce conferences (SES, SMX, PubCon, Internet Retailer,, eTail, etc.). He’s been a contributor to the Huffington Post, Multichannel Merchant, Practical Ecommerce, Search Engine Land, DM News and MarketingProfs, among others.

Stephan is also the creator of Traffic Control, a three-day seminar on SEO, co-creator of the three-day professional development seminar Passions into Profits along with co-founder Kris Jones, and the host of two podcast shows, The Optimized Geek and Marketing Speak.

Stephan is on the board of Impact Network, a 501c3 nonprofit which builds and operates schools in Zambia.

He holds an M.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Why You Shouldn’t Just Focus on Getting High Authority Backlinks

Recently, I had the privilege of chatting with marketing and outreach guru, Mark Samms.

Mark and his Ninja Outreach team provide their customers with a truly awesome product – an all-in-one lead prospecting and outreach software.

When Mark talked with me, we discussed something that has confused quite a few marketers: how to get great backlinks.