
5 Copywriting Mistakes That Cost Your Business Cash: #4 No Social Proof and #5 Call To Action

5 Copywriting Mistakes That Cost Your Business Cash: #4 No Social Proof and #5 Call To Action

To empower publishers and help them master the craft of copywriting, seasoned copywriter Debra Jason of The Write Direction to presents the 5 copywriting mistakes that cost a business money, and how to avoid them.

In her last three presentations,  Jason covered the first three most mistakes you can make, here Jason presents the final two mistakes.

5 Copywriting Mistakes That Cost Your Business Cash: #3 Words Missing the Mark

5 Copywriting Mistakes That Cost Your Business Cash: #3 Words Missing the Mark

To empower publishers and help them master the craft of copywriting, author and copywriter Debra Jason of The Write Direction presents a series on the copywriting mistakes that cost businesses money. 

Now that product has been defined and the market identified, Jason explains how to avoid the third common mistake, which occurs when you are unclear on how to deliver the marketing message.

5 Copywriting Mistakes That Cost Your Business Cash: #2 Not Knowing the Target Market

5 Copywriting Mistakes That Cost Your Business Cash: #2 Not Knowing the Target Market

One of the most important skills for a marketer can possess is the ability to communicate their message through clear and effective copy. Poor copywriting has the potential to drive away business and potential clients, customers and partners.

Seasoned copywriter Debra Jason of The Write Direction to presents on the second of five copywriting mistakes that cost a business money ways to avoid making said mistakes.