Should Your Business Be Focusing on Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel marketing is one of those business-y buzz words that seem to never get explained properly. But luckily, Ann Handley, best-selling author and marketing extraordinaire, answered some questions and provided examples. That isn’t her only topic of discussion. She also talks about her big-picture ideas and describes how she specifically likes to utilize technology.

New Marketing Trends You Should Be Focusing On

I talked recently with Gini Dietrich, the founder, and CEO of Arment Dietrich, a Chicago-based integrated marketing communications firm. She is the lead blogger at the PR and marketing blog Spin Sucks and is co-author Marketing in the Round. She is also co-host of Inside PR, which is a weekly podcast about communications and social media.

I wanted to ask Gini how to stay on top of any new developing marketing trends, and how to capitalize on them ahead of the competition. These are the highlights from our conversation.